Kingdom Ridge Capital Insider Trading: “Bottom Up” Stock Pickers

Investment firms like Kingdom Ridge Capital use fundamental analysis to decide which specific stocks to buy and sell. Wall Street insiders would call this stock picking. This approach implies concentrated effort on individual stocks instead of being concerned about broad investment themes.

Kingdom Ridge Capital Insider Trading
Kingdom Ridge Capital Insider Trading
Kingdom Ridge Capital makes its investment or trading decisions based on what an investment industry insider would call “bottom up” analysis.  This means Kingdom Ridge’s analysts focus on analyzing detailed fundamental data such as revenue, gross margin, operating expense, interest expense, tax rate, share count, et cetera in order to logically model and project a specific company’s prospects.  This process can identify likely stock market winners and losers at a company level.  The Kingdom Ridge analyst team – Nick Caputo, Andy Cobb, Mark Zepf, Jim Jungjohann, Brian Thonn and Chris Zepf – is highly skilled at using fundamentals to identify and then quantify the likely EPS upside or downside that a company may experience in the future

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